Frequently Asked Questions:

What are orthotics?
Orthotics are inserts placed in the shoe to relieve strain on the joints of the foot, knee, hip and spine. They can be custom made or bought off-the-shelf.

Who needs Orthotics?
Orthotic Therapy, Inc. is helpful to everyone from industrial workers to elite athletes. Anyone who has pain in the foot, knee, hip or back may benefit from a custom insert. You should discuss your current symptoms with your healthcare provider to determine if custom orthotics are recommended for you.

Why Custom Orthotics?
Orthotic Therapy, Inc. has many advantages when compared to off-the-shelf inserts. Our custom inserts are made from a plaster cast of your foot, and specifically designed to treat problems identified during an evaluation by our licensed Physical Therapist, Heather Stacey, MS PT, ATC

What are Pronation and Supination?
Pronation and supination are movements of the foot that occur during normal walking and running. Injuries can occur when there is too much or not enough pronation and supination.

Will custom orthotics help me?
Custom Orthotics may be beneficial for patients that:
• Over-pronate
• Over-supinate
• Have a measurable-leg length difference
• Have asymmetrical foot position
• Suffer from chronic injury

Where can I get custom orthotics and how much do they cost?
Orthotic Therapy, Inc. serves clients in the Greater Nashville TN and surrounding areas. Contact us to schedule your appointment. Orthotic Therapy, Inc provides one pair of custom orthotics including the evaluation for $425. A second pair is $275. A third pair is $250.
New clients should schedule an appointment for an evaluation and receive your first pair of orthotics for $425. If you are an existing patient and need to order new custom orthotics, please choose the $275 option below.
Save by ordering multiple pairs at once! Order another pair with your re-order for $250 more. If you have not ordered in over 5 years, you will need to be reassessed. Other restrictions may apply.
Please call (615) 305-2553 with any questions.